Coffee, Tea & Sugar Canisters

0 Resenhas
Store your tea, coffee, and sugar neatly with Dutchie's decorative vintage green enameled steel canisters. The three-piece set has a classic and elegant look, adding a nostalgic touch to your Second Life kitchen top or shelves.
The shadow can be unlinked, the pots themselves can not.
Land impact of 1 prim
Mod/copy/no transfer
100% original mesh by Froukje Hoorenbeek
Come see them inworld at Dutchie!
Veja o item no Second Life- Dutchie Vintage mesh canisters with coffee, tea, and sugar labels
- low prim kitchen decor, Li of only 1 prim including the shadow
- the mesh jars can not be unlinked
- utchie enameled steel canisters add a nostalgic touch to your kitchen shelves
- 100% original mesh by Froukje Hoorenbeek
L$ 98
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0 Resenhas
- Copiar
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- Transferir
- Licenciado para o usuário
Re-entrega automática
100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 1