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[DI] Guard Hut Versão 1.0.0

[DI] Guard Hut
[DI] Guard Hut
3 Resenhas

100% MESH

3 Land Impact

Specular Gloss Effect which can be seen by residents using advanced lighting settings.

Currently the inside is not accessible to keep the land impact low for residents with limited prims. However the door is scripted and the hut is modifiable. Add support prims where necessary and make the rest phantom to make the hut fully accessible.

Classificação média: full star full star full star full star empty star
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thank you!
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 06/10/2020 por Carmichael Caudron


Esta resenha foi útil?
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 06/08/2016 por Leah Leirdrow

A very realistic decoration item, even when it´s not accessable but that´s what the describtion clearly says and a mesh figure Officer can be placed inside without any problem. Fair Price for a good product :)

Esta resenha foi útil?

L$ 199

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Dez. Studios [DS]
Dez. Studios [DS]
Vendido por: jabeds

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 3