*-*Electric Feel*-* Covo (shirt suit) Versão Male Mesh Suit

10 $ discount inside in-world store
IMPORTANT NOTE: our clothing is for the normal sized avatars. Child 'n' oversized giant avatars will not fit in these outfits.
*-* Full mesh suit for men coming in all sizes from S to XL. The shirt suit is a grey dark black 'n' red suit with a square pattern. Ideal for casual, clubbing and/or business dressing.
Modifyable belt is included in black leather.
*-* Including:
- mesh shirt
- mesh trousers
- mesh belt
All mesh clothing is rigged. We provide a combination of alpha layers to combine your clothing with other pieces.
Jacket, shirt and pants comes in the five tested sizes: XL _L _ M _ S _ XS
*-* In case of any problems or issues feel free to contact 'Electri (resident)' through notecard or IM.
*-* We would appreciate if we receive feedback and a rating from our clients.
*-* Please have a look at our other great products at amazing prices!
- mesh shirt
- mesh belt
- mesh pants
NIce fit
Fits my Jake body well
covo shirt suit
very nice set of mesh cloths going to buy other set ty for the nice cloths
Yes I have Been Known to go Casual
Another Star in an All Star Line-Up
Great Outfit
It would be even better if the creator added some high quality loafers too
L$ 60
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