Free Helpful Stuff
This is a box of helpful items aimed mostly for new users of Second Life but could easily be used by older residents as well. The box itself is set to copy and transfer as well as "allow anyone to take a copy." Great for clubs, hangouts, infohubs, etc. Objects are labeled as to what is for wearing and what is for rez to guide those confused among those new to the inventory system.
- Anti-AFK HUD
- Flight Feather
- Instructions (for everything included)
- NCI New Citizens Incorporated landmark
- Pose stand
- Radar HUD
- Stop All Animations red rose
- Many useful things for new or old SL users
- Fully detailed instructions for all items included
- Great for infohubs, clubs, hangouts
- Set to "allow anyone to take a copy"
- Copy and mod permissions on box; most content full perms
TFW you've been in SL for 11 years and you HAVE to have a flight assist in here somewhere but... nope. Thanks for posting this!
L$ 0
Usar agora
Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.
- Copiar
- Modificar
- Transferir
- Licenciado para o usuário