TS D78 Men's Downstring Skinny Pants

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 0 Resenhas


Full Perm Mesh Men's Drawstring Skinny Pants.

- Mesh models
- Maps and textures (AO, UV, Normals, Specular)

This model can be worn with

If you want your name to appear as a creator you might need to link a prim to the model.

Terms and Conditions
1- Items cannot be sold AS IT IS (same model and with my textures) in Second Life inworld or on Marketplace.
2- My items cannot be sold with the textures provided (You are allowed to sell with my textures in full avatar Outfit Creations)
3- You shall not under any condition share, sell or give UV maps, shadow maps, textures or any other material that helps builders to create their products using these items. (except Masks and Alpha textures)
4- The selling price cannot be less than 50 L$ (After modifying the models' textures or if you are using in full Outfit Creation).
5- The clothes, accessories, outfits you make from my Mesh templates, textures or other objects cannot be re-sold as templates, kits or full permission.
6- This item or The clothing made from these templates cannot be sold or given away in any freebie store.
You can give 1 product as freebie or group gift to promote your store for a limited time after complying with other rules above.




Adicionando ao carrinho como presente



Usar agora

Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

Este item contém itens de vestuário para seu avatar.

Funcionam com avatares em mesh
Mais informações
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0 Resenhas
  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
Consulte os detalhes do produto para obter as informações de permissão
Re-entrega automática
Mesh: 100% Mesh, Mesh ajustada