Group Invite plugin for HippoRent /// Powered by SmartBots Versão 1.6

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Direct group inviter plugin for HippoRent, powered by SmartBots (

This HIPPORent plugin invites the tenant to the group.
The group CAN have the closed enrollment.
Paid enrollment is also allowed.

This plugin requires the Inviter subscription with SmartBots, L$79 per week. You can try SmartBots for free - we provide a free week to all customers.

Version 1.6 updates:
- ejects tenant on Silent Boot
- ejects previous tenant when box is taken over by another tenant


1. Send direct group invitation to specific role
2. Can send custom IM to tenant
3. Can send IM to the HippoRent box owner
5. Delivers the inventory item to the tenant
6. Eject evicted tenant from the group

No UUIDs required! Config card accepts the group and role names.

You don't need to run any software on your PC, as you rent a bot with SmartBots (prices start from L$79 per week).

SETUP (for existing SmartBots customers)

1. Open HippoRent plugin box and copy it to your inventory
2. Edit ".SmartBots Config" notecard (see images)
3. Drop notecard and plugin script to your Hippo box

That's all!

SETUP (for new customers)

1. Take the free SmartBots Interface (see Related Items below)
2. Rez it in-world and register your group
3. Pay the SmartBots subscription
4. Setup and install the HippoRent plugin (put to Hippo box)

It's easy and really fast.
Hippo plugin is ready to work immediately after you put it into rental box.


SmartBots is a subscription-based Second Life bot which delivers the direct invitates. You pay a weekly subscription and get:
- Direct group inviter
- Group chat manager / spam moderator
- Group notices processor
- Multiple plugins available (including HippoRent plugin, and greeters plugins)

Read more here:

Check the related items!

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  • Sends direct group invitation when someone pays tier to you
  • Custom role, custom IM to send
  • Bot can notify you by IM (not chat window)
  • Spamless: no invitation to existing group members
  • No software required on your PC


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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 17/11/2018 por sniperkitty697

I love smartbots one of the best i have use! you guys are amazing

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Awesome Product
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 23/11/2017 por Crissy Blogger

I love how reliable Smartbots is -- thank you so much for amazing work you

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SmartBots (Group Inviter and Bot Hosting) Official Store
Vendido por: Glaznah Gassner

Usar agora

Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

  • Copiar
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  • Licenciado para o usuário
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