HOA Atlas Outfit DEMO

This is a DEMO, Demo parts are no copy no mod no transfer but have a resizer script so you can test if it will fit to your body style.
Following a list of the content:
1 Laurel Wreath copy/mod
1 Breast Plate, rigged Mesh, copy only
1 Chain with Pendant copy/mod
1 Chain without Pendant copy/mod
1 Kilt, rigged Mesh, copy only ( if you have a big bum you might need to use your Alpha Hud ;) )
1 Belt, copy/mod wear with Kilt
1 pair of Sandals copy only, unrigged but with resizer script (make a copy as backup if you want to delete the scripts)
2 pairs of Shoulder Armor copy/mod
2 pairs of upper Arm Guards copy/mod
2 pairs of Wristbands copy/mod
2 pairs of lower Leg Armor copy/mod
1 Boxer Shorts rigged Mesh copy only
I hope you enjoy and like this Outfit
Kind regards,
Cale Alcott
Please see all the AD Pictures above
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Mais informações
- Copiar
- Modificar
- Transferir
- Licenciado para o usuário