A cosy Reccord player with vinyls and a table.
This comes as a single set at 2li (3li for the scripted version) But I also included some parts seperate (see pics)
The spinning version has a vinyl that rotates, with an stacic sound.
Note this isn't scripted to play music, is purely for decor.
I mean it looks great for 2 LI
But I'm mega bummed out that i cant simply put my own album textures on the sleeves / records themselves :c Have to use textured cube / cylinder prims and cover them up to get the effect I wanted
Definitely a great buy
LOOVE this item. I have other vinyl items but they were either high prim, poorly made or both. This is one of my go-to items when decorating my home.
p e r f e c t
very dope. can choose between a solo table or a complete with the vinyl. options are always dope, thank you for sharing this