Hairy Legs for Mero Pony Versão 1.0

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-Accept no imitations!-
Now has a mesh counterpart in the works~

Hairy ponies don't look too burly with the new [EP] pony, do they? Need a little rough to your tough? Try these!
The sculpted parts simply Add to your figure, or can be easily attached to your Mero* pony avatar.

* The Mero avatar is made by Mero Collas, sold in most of the pony sims.



  • Sculpted pony parts

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Awesome fuzzy legs :3
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 25/01/2013 por Blau Rascon

Needed a little position tweaking, but I'm super picky about that... They're really easy to match color with your pony.

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excellent customer service!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 12/09/2012 por Brin Catronis

These were just what I was looking for. They fit with the EP pony avatar perfectly, without adjusting. I had an issue with the optional hoof retexturing and they got right back to me with a solution when I IM'd them. I will be watching their store for more goodies!

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Vendido por: Observation Arcana
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