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HammerStone Headbutt Attack

HammerStone Headbutt Attack
HammerStone Headbutt Attack
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Hammerstone Headbutt Attack: This unique weapon is designed for Fauns, Minotaurs and other horned bipeds and allows the player to use their character's natural weapons (their horns), in combat. Designed to function similar to beast claws, it is an invisible prim (activated by either a HUD or a Gesture) that attaches to the head area. Scripted for Unity Maxim as a hammer (6 pts of damage), it also features a custom set of animations to emulate Headbutting action. This unique weapon is a MUST HAVE for the sylvan folk!

Scripted for Unity Maxim Combat System. Uses Maxim Hammer script.

L$ 499

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Hammerstone Forge
Hammerstone Forge
Vendido por: Thono Hammerthall

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

Funcionam com avatares clássicos e em mesh
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