.Hoof Hearted. Engraved Halter (tintable) for BC horses

If you are looking for a very high quality, realistic halter for your BC mesh horse avatar, look no further ^.^
Beautifully detailed, all mesh and fitted perfectly for the BC horse.
Want something personal? Then this is for you! This halter has an engraved plate on the side that you can either do yourself or I will engrave it for you free of charge. Same day service!
Comes in 3 versions:
non scripted
& scripted with a connector (the little dangly clip)
If you wear a scripted version you can set owners and they will be able to talk you for walkies.
*click halter
* Access
* + owner
(then pick your owner that is in range)
at that point they can then click your halter, request a handle, then leash you to them.
You can runaway and free yourself at any time by clicking the halter
Pretty easy!
and tintable! want a pink, purple, green etc... halter? bam, there ya go
Best halter on the grid, get yours today!
See item in Second LifeL$ 290
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
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- User Licensed