Icing texture with sprinkles 2 full perms texture

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Icing texture with sprinkles 2 full perms texture

This texture is for use in your builds and then resale NOT for resale as a stand alone texture
Thank you for looking ., please be sure to view m other great value items have a great sl / rl day


  • Hd Texture
  • Full perms
  • Original
  • High detail


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Not full perms?
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Postado(s) 03/11/2016 por Ambie Helendale

I got this texture, and dropped it on a prim without even thinking to check...the texture is now on the prim..gone from my inventory. This usually happens when a texture is no copy...If you would be so kind as to deliver me the correct one? I would be very appreciative thanks.

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Victoria Hornbridge
Victoria Hornbridge

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