Igloo - C, M

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This is something I created just playing around. Is an igloo that is only 3 prims. Is fairly large so you could set up a gathering place for friends inside. It is winter and if you are decorating this would be a great addition to any winter scene.

I hope you enjoy it.

If you have any problems, please let me know.



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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 26/11/2016 por sooby Mills

This is just perfect! I was wondering what I could put on my snow floor..I was undecided about a shelter..a house..or what? Then I saw this and omg.. it's amazing..I can put cushions or sofa in to make it cozy..and the price and prims are fabulous! Don't hesitate to buy it for your winter scene! 10 + stars.

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Stormie's Stuff
Stormie's Stuff
Vendido por: Stormie Sleydon

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