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Ivory Maid of Honor Wedding Flower Bloom Bouquet V3

 Ivory Maid of Honor Wedding Flower Bloom Bouquet V3
 Ivory Maid of Honor Wedding Flower Bloom Bouquet V3
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Lovely and Very Romantic Perfect bouquet to match with any Bride's wish and make her day perfect!
I have build one by one each flowers and mix them with rigged and flexi prim to give a natural flower Bouquet look.

- All the bouquet have been revised and rebuild
- No Bling effect any more (With new PBR effect it gave awfull effect so I have take it out)
- New Control on Full Bright Button (ON the HUD for script version or with a new little Button HUD for 1 Color version)
- New Shine effect to give more silky texture over the flowers
- On the script version (who is a FatPack 10 color control with HUD) I have Included the control diamond to hide on/off into all the diamond not only the one from the Daisy.
-New Smaller HUD with now 10 colors texture for Flowers (before was 8 color) (White, Sky, LPink, Dpink, Lavender, LYellow, Sunrise,Peach, Ivory, Red) + Color Picker tab.

With the Original Version:
If you have purchased 1 Color only this will included:
2 Maid of Honor bouquet of 1 Color:
1- with my Original Maid of Honor Stand Animation & Music Menu (touch the bouquet to get the resize and music menu)
1- No Animated but got also the Music Menu.
1-Mini HUD Full Bright Button On/Off (Add the HUD and click On or Off the button)

Music inside the bouquet:
- Canon in D (Perfect music for the entrance of the Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid)
- Canon in D Birds ( it's the same Classic music Canon in D but mix with the Birds sound to make the music more Celtic Kind)
touch the bouquet to get the Menu and choose when to start & Stop the music...easy to use
Read the NC (How to use the Music Menu)

If you have purchased the Scripted version (You will have the FatPack 10 Colors and full feature) the box will included:
2 Maid of Honor bouquet Scripted:
1- with my Original Maid of Honor Stand Animation & Music Menu (touch the bouquet to get the resize and music menu)
1- No Animated but got also the Music Menu.
1- HUD to be ''add'' it will give you the ability to choose between the new 10 colors of the flower texture,
one side button of ''Color '' will bring you to the Color Picker side of the HUD
(Add over any part of the bouquet, the color above your preselect texture and compose your own bouquet with million color choice (it will be wise to choose the ''White'' base texture before add some color with the color picker, as the color go above the color texture) ( the ferns, Baby's breath, leave and Ivy part can't be recolor)
- button to give you the possibility to show and Hide all the Diamond into the Bouquet
-Full Bright Button On/Off

Music inside the bouquet:
- Canon in D (Perfect music for the entrance of the Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid)
- Canon in D Birds ( it's the same Classic music Canon in D but mix with the Birds sound to make the music more Celtic Kind)
touch the bouquet to get the Menu and choose when to start & Stop the music...easy to use
Read the NC (How to use the Music Menu)

All the version are Resize-able
(touch the bouquet, then choose into the blue menu how much % you want resize it + or - )

Each Bouquet Included my Original Story Animation read below for more Info.


CLOSE YOU AO BEFORE ''Add'' the Bouquet

when you will ''add'' it will stat the story animation (animation priority 3 )
Each kinds of Flower Bouquet & Bud have one of my Original and Different Stand Animation who will move naturally and created a very special effect of wedding.
-Best Men 1
-Best Men 2
-Maid of Honor
-Flower Girl

Come try the animation into the Wedding Animation floor :

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L$ 250

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Versão demo
Vendido por: Shrantal

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Funcionam com avatares clássicos e em mesh
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