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KinEx - Picture Fader

KinEx - Picture Fader
KinEx - Picture Fader
3 Resenhas

KinEx - Picture Fader

Transitions?! like my blinds!?

That's right! except not like your blinds at all really, this wonderful little device will fade into each picture infinitely, displaying all of your wonderful pictures to the world! or at least anyone who's nearby.

Well how hard is it to setup?
Setup well.. brace yourself for this because it's so incredibly complicated, i had an 87 page document made for it, but after a little tinkering, i shortened it down to this:

Step 1) Place your textures into the faders contents.
Step 2) Sit back and enjoy the show.

What about customization?!
Well everyone likes to have something a little different than everyone elses, so i've put these options in to allow for just that.

Please note, none of this requires a notecard, all done Very easily through a dialog menu!

Orientation - Because we live in a world where being square isn't always the answer, the fader can be set to the following aspect ratios - 4:3, 16:9, 16:10, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, 1:5, 1:6, 1:7, 1:8 and if those aren't enough for you, simply resize the root prim, and the rest of the linkset will follow suit!

Border changing - preloaded with 12 Border Styles, and it's mod so you're more than welcomed to drop your own textures on it!

Fade control options - You're able to control every aspect of the fade itself, from the number of steps it uses to perform it, how long each step lasts, and of course how long a texture sits idle before another fade occurs!

And then to top it all off, you can drop a landmark and notecard inside of it, and when touched, it will give them out to any users who so desire them!

Feel free to come to my store to see a working copy i have up on display @

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Vendido por: Kindred Skytower

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