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Little Ghast Avatar

Little Ghast Avatar
Little Ghast Avatar
3 Resenhas

A little Ghast avatar, made of prims, includes a bumper that makes Ghast-screaming sounds whenever it is bumped into, and makes cute idle sounds at random.

Includes a temporary AO, along with instructions on deactivating the scripts inside, and where to find the best (free) AO for it.

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sencillo pero lindo
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 26/02/2023 por maggiebats

muy bueno y muy lindo los sonidos son muy lindos me gusto

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Love it
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 08/08/2015 por DaisyAdair

Thank you for making this and keeping it affordable <3 I also got the right AO and it's amazing. Love it so much!

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L$ 9

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Zuperbuu Works
Zuperbuu Works
Vendido por: Zuperbuu Jinx

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