The Starry Eyelashes are a pair of dramatic mesh eyelashes created for the classic avatar. They are easily customizable, tintable and include an alternate version that won't glitch/disappear behind hair.
They come included with an alpha layer to hide system eyelashes and a simple tintable eyeliner for a more seamless look.
Note: These were created for the classic avatar, but have a good chance of working with mesh heads with some tweaking. As always, please try the demo first.
These eyelashes will almost certainly need to be edited to fit your face. You need to be comfortable editing objects on your avatar in order to fit these!
Get them for less at my in-world store:
Very Cute Lashes!
I love these lashes. They are well made. I would definitely recommend them.
AWSOME eyelashes!!!!
They are so lovely :3 If you want a asian makeup look. They have differents parts that you can edit, come with alpha, normal lashes and mesh lashes. You can change the color of you lashes too! it's lovely for albino avatars ♥
Great, once fitted.
These have a lot of little parts when you edit them. A little more time up front, but once fitted to your shape gives a wonderful feathered look that is way more natural looking than one piece lashes. Took me a little longer to fit these than other lashes I have, but I really love the end result. They are now my favourite lashes.
These deserve more reviews!
These are literally my favorite eyelashes and for only 50L$ you can't go wrong with them. I think a lot of the lashes in Second Life look too uniform to me, equal spacing between, equal lengths. These are not that way, these are perfectly imperfect and I love them for it.
I've bought many different lashes .. some far more costly then these . yet these once fitted an tinted to your liking are amazing .. don't waste money on other brands an get these you will not be disappointed.