Lunar - Baby Shorts & Panties - FATPACK (Boxed)

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Rigged for : Lara - Legacy - Legacy Perky - Freya - HG

This includes shorts in 4 options (opaque, sheer, hearts, fluffy) with optional glitter, pompoms or pearls, and finally panties that can be worn under it and be seen through.

*Please read me *

If you are experiencing issues with the sheer options make sure to check your body hud for any clothing|tattoo layers enabled, this is a common cause of issues with sheer clothing because of the way Second Life handles transparency.

Using bom applier and tattoos will fix any issue ♥

Included there are style huds for you to play with <3



  • Shorts in 4 styles (Sheer, Opaque, Sheer hearts, Fluffy)
  • Panties with bows
  • Glitter options
  • 5 sheer levels
  • Fluffy options!

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Absolutely great.

Postado(s) 23/12/2023 por DejaVoo 5 estrelas

Would have been nice to know they were won sale in-world for half the price though. :'(

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had to buy fatpack!

Postado(s) 12/01/2021 por LillyDreamer 5 estrelas

ever want to look super cute? just buy any clothing from Lunar! absolutely darling and cute and just wow!

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