♥Thank you very much for shopping at MC STORE♥
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UNPACKING!! Just dress
Picture has been taken using REBORN clothes Mesh Body.
DISCOUNT IN OUR STORE WORLD: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Phoenix%20Sanctuary/112/133/2002
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☎ If you need help, have any problem or delivery issue, feel free to IM me in-world (KGBB). We offer support 7 days a week, we always get back to you in less than 24 hours. A fair review is always welcome!
If you have any trouble with your purchase, please send me a message and I'll try my best to help you.
L$ 129
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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.
Este item contém itens de vestuário para seu avatar.
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