║ *{MD} Design* ║
{MD} Women Business Outfit 1 (Color/Texture HUD)
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The Women Business outfit is made of 100% mesh and includes a color / texture HUD.
The outfit texture was lovingly assembled by hand from various realistic photos to generate the best possible quality.
With the small details, such as:
the elaborated buttons, side pockets and collar is the outfit a real eye-catcher.
You get after purchasing 5 Different sizes of the outfit, with them you can adjust it, perfectly fit to your avatar.
With the included Color & Texture HUD, it is possible for you from 5 different textures and a color palette to design your own outfit.
Here you are no limits.
You can use the following clothing items freely from one another colorize and texturing.
Collar, buttons, left / right pocket, left / right / top, left / right / Sleeve
See also picture color / texture HUD
So have you an infinite of ways to design your own individual outfit.
Makiso Daviau
For more info about my products:
SL Gruppe:
Love the choices and well made Thanks
Fantastic on every level
I loved the look of this from the picture and I was not disappointed when I received the product. For some odd reason MP put this item back in my purchases and I ended up buying another one by accident. I did not even have to message the creator, they were in my box right off the bat asking if I had made a mistake. I told them what happened and they refunded my money. So as someone else mentioned the customer service is outstanding.
The outfit is highly detailed and I was quite impressed with it on every level, the hud giving you the option to change just about every thing about it making you able to customize this for any occasion.
I give this two thumbs way way up.
Einfach nur woooooooooooooow
Habe gestern das „Women Business Outfit" erworben ... ich bin begeistert ..... genau das richtige für POWER Frauen die immer individuell und chic gekleidet sein wollen .. danke dir M. ich warte schon gespannt auf dein nächstes Werk .
Business jacket review
I just purchased this and actually got an IM from the creator. So Bonus points for customer service right there. The jacket itself is a throwback from the 80's and 90's but with a slightly bold modern edge as the jacket itself is the skirt. The only issues is some collission at the bottom of the skirt and at the wrists, but with an item like this, all one piece, that is to be expected. Another minor con is as this doesn't come with a shadow texture layer on the legs, panties will be needed for the modest folks out there as cam pervs will notice the exposed privates, on the same token, no bra is needed if it fits you well. The customization of the jacket is good, but this is also where it falters, maybe I haven't figured out how, but you have to adjust the colors one digit at a time, and there seems to be no way to delete the scripts. On the plus side, you can make it coordinate with ANY hair, bra, shoes, or jewelry you've got.
I just can't give 5 stars due to the tedium of editing the colors past the basic selections and clicking around.
Collision at arms and legs
Having to change color one digit at a time
No delete scripts
Great style (subjective)
Can color coordinate anything else in inventory
Standard Sizing
Very professional looking
Bonus Pro:
Friendly creator
...ich bin von dem „Woman Business Outfit“ total begeistert. Es hat eine super Passform und ist mit viel Liebe bis ins kleinste Detail designet worden. Auch die vielen Veränderungsmöglichkeiten durch den Color/Textur HUD...hier wurde einfach tolle Arbeit geleistet. Wer Mesh liebt, wird begeistert sein. „Daumen hoch“ und locker „fünf Sterne“ !!!