Maine Coon - Natural - Chinchilla Furry Mod BOM

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WARNING: This item requires the Curious Chinchilla avatar sold by Uchi Desmoulins.

NOW compatible with Lolas Tangos, get the free Lolas addon in the related items.

NOTE: Compatable with Gauged Feline Ears!

This mod took about 2 months of trial and error for me to produce. It is my most complicated mod to date and I really hope you like it, I put my heart and soul into it and learned a lot of new techniques while making it!

The kit includes:
-M/F Skins
-M/F Body Shapes
-Mesh Legs in 2 Sizes
-Fat & Thin Mesh and Flexi Tails
-Mesh Ears
-M/F Head Textures
-Ear Textures for Gauged Feline Ears
*All items are copy/modify/no transfer, but the skins are copy/no modify/no transfer.

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I only had one trouble with this mod.
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 28/10/2014 por Angelita Pierterson

I expected to spend an afternoon modding away and it took 5 minutes.

Aside from that problem it's a great mod!

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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 13/04/2013 por CoryLow

This is so worth 5 stars! Why you ask? the detail is amazing! I honestly don't think i have ever bought a mod that i have loved as much as this one! When I first saw this i didn't even hesitate to buy it. This is on my top 3 of best investments made to SL. Thank you so much! I would love to see this artist do some scalie work. Thank you for LIVING!!! >:3

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  • full star full star full star full star full star 9 Resenhas

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