Michie Marine Sport Cruiser SD35 Versão 1.2
Reflection one place Fix
Fix driver animation & Position
Add a light switch to menu
Street Dancer 35 feet
Set the standard for comfort and elegance
with a MichieMarine Sport Cruiser.
MM SD35 operation guide
W or up arrow is speed up.
S or down arrow is slowdoun.
A or left arrow is turn left.
D or right arrow is turn right.
shift + D or right arrow is turn left.
shift + A or left arrow is turn right.
E or page up is Cruise Control on. keep accelerate.
C or page down is Cruise Control off.
click the body to open menu.(owner)
driver&color setting menu
wood deck, rubber deck, Cancel
Bule Hull, Red Hull, Silver Hull
Owner, same group, anyone
group&anyone mode is always temporary,
and Owner mode in Cruise Control ON is temporary.
When you get off, you have a case to disappear it.
Thank you.
FYC MIchie Island
Michie yokosuka
Love it but...
When I sit in the driver's seat, the boat makes me sit in the dashboard.