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Muriel. Dayana Skin - Honey

Muriel. Dayana Skin - Honey
Muriel. Dayana Skin - Honey
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Please, read carefully each Ad description before buying to avoid confusion and mistakes.

- Dayana Skin:
Try demo first!
Fits the new TD Lemon Head (SLUV).
New improvements in the body skin!
8 Skin tones available. BOM only. SL UV mapping.
Body skin is Included, except for the demos, which only shows the head skin.
"Brow" and "no brow" versions are included, also separated brows.
Separated brows are included and tintable.
The Ad is shown on ToddleeDoo Lemon Head and ToddleeDoo Baby Body. If you use another head or body, make sure to try the demo first.
Skin and shape are sold separately.
Copy Only.

- Dayana Shape:
There is no demo for the shape. There is no refund unless double purchase.
Shape made for ToddleeDoo Lemon Head and ToddleeDoo Baby Body.
Style card and brow shape are included.
Skin and shape are sold separately.

- Dayana Blush:
3 Opacities included: Soft, Medium & Strong.
The blush is tintable.

Veja o item no Second Life

L$ 700

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Versão demo
Vendido por: ElisaMuriel

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

Este item contém itens de vestuário para seu avatar.

Funcionam com avatares ToddleeDoo
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