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Mystic Star Spotlight V1 plus Versão V1 plus

Mystic Star Spotlight V1 plus
Mystic Star Spotlight V1 plus
7 Resenhas

WATCH the VIDEO, click link below.
Dreamy animated stars twinkle the night away use with or without rotation. For that special spot!
Modify and Transfer!

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  • Animated sparkle stars
  • Rotation touch control
  • Modify and Transfer
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Excellent due to Modify rights
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 02/11/2015 por Kahvy Sands

First of all: excellent service and open to suggestions, most creators in SL can learn from her!

This is now Modifiable and that changes everything on this item. With some basic building skills you can make this a very nice projector, all you have to do is flip the round upper prim around, change the texture on the base, then add a projector light to it, that shines beautifully down and completes it, its mod so you can fit it into your space.

I use this now as the entry point of my Ballroom and it's BEAUTIFUL!

Did I mention only L$ 10??

Very good!!!!

Esta resenha foi útil?

L$ 10

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Wicked Beauty Light Shows
Wicked Beauty Light Shows
Vendido por: Kikiri Tuqiri

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