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Nexus Burglary Alarm Versão 1.0

Nexus Burglary Alarm
Nexus Burglary Alarm
7 Resenhas

One of the best alarm systems to hit the grid!
This system is guaranteed to keep your house safe from burglars! With our wonderful Burglar detection sensors.

If you are a police officer, estate owner, or home owner, this system can be easily installed into houses.

This system is easily paired with our Nexus Grid-wide Pagers.

Want more information? View our documentation below.

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I gave my review on Facebook, which I'm happy to copy here.
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 19/08/2023 por AnthonyLovett

Making sure we have total privacy at our house on the KLR Park, I invested in perhaps the best ever security system to keep the house safe from predators and unauthorised people. It's the Nexus system.
Not only is it very responsive (an animesh policeman set it off when it moved into the field of the sensor), I wear a pager so I know when someone enters the residential parcel, no matter where I am in SL, and if I am not in SL, my parcel surveillant system emails me when anyone enters, saying who, when and where.
For someone gadget-minded like me, who loves all that security stuff including the Gentec CCTV system I also have, the Nexus stuff is mind-blowing.
Here is the NEXUS system on the Market Place:
Nexus specialises in things to improve reality for role-play sims. I witnessed many items working in situ on the old Lake Placid, and some on London Square.
Have a look at the Nexus store on the MP.

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Brilliant Customer Service & Product
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 16/10/2021 por Little Shade

Firstly a great product, easy to set up using the wiki - I did stumble when adding in my own alarm sound but Johnny helped me resolve this quickly and easily. On top of that he was able to adjust the product slightly to my own requirements which I really appreciate.

I highly recommend using Nexus!

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L$ 499

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Vendido por: Shymus Roffo

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