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>^OeC^< Verus - Grace (May)(Gold) (box)

>^OeC^< Verus - Grace (May)(Gold) (box)
>^OeC^< Verus - Grace (May)(Gold) (box)
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Grace: noun - elegance or beauty of form, manner, motion, or action.

Adorned with shimmering side stones, this beautiful pear shaped Verus™ birthstone shimmers with realistic facets.

About the birthstone:

May: Emerald

Associated with the heart chakra, the elegant emerald with its deep dark green tones is one of the most powerful healing gemstones. It heals the physical body by opening the heart to the healing power of love and the potentials for self-healing that reside within us all. It is especially good for diabetics and works to heal the lymphatic system and the various glands of the body. Those attracted to emeralds are true healers to those around them.

This stunning ring is mod/copy so you can resize to fit your hands perfectly. Fitted or traditional avatar hands, this ring will require some adjustment in order to wear properly on mesh based hands. Sparkle/bling can be turned on or off via touch.

  • 100% Mesh
  • Realistic gemstone shimmer

L$ 199

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The Odd Eyed Cat
Vendido por: Neural Blankes

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Mesh: 100% Mesh