PPM*Picnic set - LI 5 ( rez )
PPM*Picnic set ( wear - add me )
After wear or rez, right-click on the avatar and "sit here" to sit down.
Everyone can get side dishes, rice balls, and drinks by clicking the lunch box.
you can get this item for free in world!
My store inworld : (SLurl) http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mangakino/69/8/21
Thank you!
Amazing for L$1!
I love that I can attach this to my avi and have a picnic anywhere!
You may have problems where some of the items look transparent. This can easily be fixed.
Select the whole item, go to the texture tab and switch the alpha mode from "alpha blending" to "alpha masking". Then select each of the black squares you see (these are the shadows) and set just those back to alpha masking.