Portal of Blood

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 1 Resenhas


1. Wear portal.
2. Type “/77 teleport”. A portal will appear beneath your feet, and you will slowly
sink into it.
3. Teleport to the landmark of your choice.
4. When you appear on the other end, a portal will appear, and you will slowly rise out of it.

A video of the portal can be found at the below link.

Visualizar vídeo »



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Very Cool
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 29/06/2016 por HashbrownYoda

I like it I just wish it would automatically show when teleporting instead of having to type command everytime. Other than that its awesome and works as described.

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Talevin's Designs - Staves, Wands and Curiosities
Vendido por: Talevin Whelan

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