[Project Avatar] Eromanga Sagiri Izumi Versão 1.1

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Complete Sagiri Izumi avatar from Eromanga Sensei.

► Includes removable panties.
► Complete avatar, Includes Rigged Hair, Hoodie, Tablet, Pen, Mask and removable panties.
► 100% smoothly rigged hair and clothes.
► Toggle between full bright or not, both look great.
► No flat hands.
► Full perm texture included for modding.
► Shape and alphas included.



  • Complete avatar.
  • Includes Rigged Hair, Hoodie, Tablet, Pen, Mask and removable panties.
  • Includes Texture for modding.
  • Shape and alphas included.

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i made PV use this avator !

Postado(s) 10/03/2018 por Lucky Helix 5 estrelas

very cute!!


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Really could've been better.

Postado(s) 15/08/2017 por Nozai 2 estrelas

Hands are stiff. Fingers don't bend like shown in the picture, not everything can be taken off of full bright (Panties can't be taken off full bright) AS cute as it may look, it'd be good for those who can't put in as much to make a decent looking beginner avatar though most of it is the same as it is in the picture, it's just the smaller details that don't look right as I said the hands don't work and the height is ew, but the height and arm length can always be changed so it's not al that bad

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