From Razzanova's Vanity skin collection. A highly detailed and natural looking skin. And now includes:
System avatars
- 10 different make ups
- Tan skin tone
- Cleavage enhancer option included
- Eyebrow shape included
- Body shape (copy, modify)
Head Appliers
- Catwa head / makeups applier
- Lelutka head / makeups applier
Body Appliers
- Slink Physique applier
- Slink Hands and Feet applier
- Omega body / head applier
- Lolas Tango applier
You'll find also at our mainstore:
- Single skins
Please buy a demo before purchasing!
* IMPORTANT: PLEASE, GET A DEMO BEFORE PURCHASING, REFUNDS ARE NOT ALLOWED (Refunds are allowed only because of duplicate purchase by mistake)
* Failed delivery? please send a notecard in-world to Fergie Finesmith including, avatar name and transaction number
**Keep in touch with us on Facebook**
About Razzanova: We offer the most beautiful and realistic skins, Female skins, shapes, cleavage enhancer, realistic eyes, make up, cosmetics, clothing for casual times as jeans, tops, minidresses and sexy lingerie. Everything for women. We also offer gifts and freebies.
- 10 different make ups
- Catwa mesh head applier
- lelutka mesh head applier
- Omega skin applier
- Makeup
A mi novia le gusto este regalo que le hice!
Compre este skin para mi novia como un regalo al principio estaba un poco asustado sobre cual seria su reaccion pero ella realmente lo amó!
Excelente compra
Me encantó este skin, es realmente hermoso. El color de piel es perfecto para mi gusto, no encontré en SL un color de piel tan exacto. Me gustaria que tenga mas variaciones de maquillaje pero en general los detalles del rostro y el cuerpo son muy buenos y realistas.
pretty face
Details of the face but very nice
the rest of the body nice and very little choice in skin tones
Beautiful skin
I just can't believe how such a small store has the best skins on SL. This Alizze tan skin is BEAUTIFUL, I'm in shock.
Super sexy skin! LOVE IT!!
Loooove this skin! is so sexy, the skin color is so beautiful. The eyebrows are perfection, the lips wow so realistic and the glow on the face is just perfect. Love it, love it love it!!!