Rental System Versão RS-GP 2.0

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 2 Resenhas


Thanks for choosing Rental System

Rental System it fits all kind of business, with invitation after someone paid
Easy to use, it has Notecard setting, check out the features below.

1 - Easy to Setup and Configure.
2 - Admin and Menus provide complete control over the system.
3 - Auto.Group invitation (after pay will send group invitation).
4 - Real prims count with sending IM to renter when exceed prims count
5 - 6 times Notifications of rental ending
6 - Hover text indicates to rent state, and name of the renter
7 - COPY & MODIFY, but the script only copy.
8 - Supports refund unused time,
9 - Ability to force the end of a lease, with or without refund.
10- Keeps tenant and payment state unchanged after sim reset or de-rezzed out of inventory.

How to setup?
- Rez at your place RESET the script (Right Click>Edit>Content>Reset Scripts).
- Edit the notecard as you wish,(Name-Price-Prims-volume-Group key)..
- Each copy you make you should RESET their scripts.

Group setup
- Edit notecard in the rental system inventory, go to group key, Change it with yours and save
- Reset the script
Note, it wont work with close group!

Note: the rent script is open source script,
I have done a lot of changes, and added features to be more suitable for business such;
- Booth and Stall
- Group invitation (send group invitation after renter paid)
- Real prims counts (owner can check also send IM to renter with LM if exceed prims count).
- Designed the prim and textures.

The rental system was tested and works just fine, therefor NO refund policy.
you may come to my place to check it out before you buy!

If you come to my SL store, you will get it at a lower price.

Zahawi Risident

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thank you so much
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 04/11/2023 por Yahnaii

thank you for such a easy great rental set up system :P my renters are so happy and so am i

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basic system
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 20/02/2023 por Juneishere1999

The system itself is fine but i didn't find a way to add an admin or add/take off extra days/weeks as other system let. Overall is ok

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TOM Store
Vendido por: Zahawi

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