Sculpted Ceramics pack #01 by Cel Edman

26 Sculpted 1Prim Sculpted (Digital) Ceramics. Mod/Copy/Transfer enabled. So you can create like your own flower compositions with these vases, give it to friends. Give it a different texture etc. These ceramics were some of my first sculpties, created in june2007.
Note: The sculpt textures are not included in this pack.
Not for individual repackage / resell, feel free to use/sell them as flower composition, with different textures, gifts etc!
Make sure, if you buy my boxes in SecondLife that I'm the seller of the box!(apez resell allowed though)
These sculpties are not for individual resell/repackage, violation will result in DMCA notification towards Linden.
Feel free to sell your builds/creations with these sculpts though.
Cel Edman's Pixel Lab(slurl) - Claremorris (4,25,23)
Recent sculpt-packs I created:
> the X-pack #1 (new)
> StructPack #1 (new)
> the SFT pack
> Sculpted Stairspack#2 (new)
> And more..
L$ 300
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed