Shoutcast 7 days 50 listeners renewal (wear me)

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Shoutcast stream renewal for 7 days and 50 listeners. Buy this to add 7 more days to your stream subscription.
If you don't have a stream registered in our system or if your stream has already expired you will get a new stream.



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Weird lol
full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 07/12/2019 por Ellide Grau

So my stream was expired no big deal - got a renewal & got a new stream.
Figured I didn't want to get another new one if I'm a day late next week - so I got another renewal to bump me up to 2 weeks. Well - it renewed my old stream?? And not the new one I just got??
Lol so I guess next week I'll have to switch back to the old one again to use my 2nd week.
Not a huge deal - but really weird.

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Giovanna Putzo
Giovanna Putzo

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