TFs Stun Gun - Tazer M18 (RLV) Versão 1.01

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A RLV stun gun well shaped with nice visual effects to capture and animations to manage up to 6 Victims.
It can be worn right and/or left Hand, provided with Holsters and HUD.
A thoughtful scripted item.

Only Objects are Modify, Scripts and Contents are not.

Features :
► 2 guns (right and left hands)
► 2 holsters (right and left upper legs)
► a HUD (draw, sheathe, provide a RLV Relay...)
► gun can work standalone
► a User's Manual
► a smart menu system to manage Gun and Victims
► auto targeting bullet
► 3 gun Mode (normal, discreet and invisible)
► 3 shot strengths
► 3 area to shoot (chest, waist, pelvis), front and back
► customizable blackout time
► force the Victim to lay, kneel, stand or to follow you
► animations for the shooter and the victim
► auto adjust the height for animations
► Victim can be sat on any nearby furniture
► 6 LM can be predefined to TP a victim
► SIM crossing compatible except to shoot
► and more...

Required specifications :
► a Region where you can Rez
► Gun works even when a Victim is not using an RLV Viewer (3 Modes : Relay, RLV, request)
► RLV features will work if the Victim's viewer is RLV 1.2 or above
► When the gun detects RLV 2.9 the newest camera restrictions will be used instead of simple windlight's settings (less lag and better results)

Quickdraw :
► go in Mouselook
► click on right mouse button to shoot and capture Avatars
► send more spark
► force to follow
► force to sit
► force to TP in any SIM

Affiliated with CasperVend
Update and free redelivery inworld with a CasperVend redelivery terminal
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Great Taser

Postado(s) 27/12/2021 por CharirAgrael 5 estrelas

Love this thing for all Police RP and Capture RP
Textures are great and the sounds are on point

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Excellent! Works fine! Don't worry about the garbage reviews.

Postado(s) 10/11/2020 por LemonPledge 5 estrelas

This thing is cool. it makes the person you zap go "unconscious" by making the camera go opaque, and mutes in world chat. The person zapped cannot communicate with the surroundings or see anything but a frosted opaque image. Trust me, I'm crap at explaining things, it's awesome. just buy it.

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  • 3.57 estrelas 14 Resenhas

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