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.:TGH Fortune Teller Table Set

.:TGH Fortune Teller Table Set
.:TGH Fortune Teller Table Set
0 Resenhas

This .:TGH Fortune Teller Table Set" is COPY

Prim info:

Fortune Teller´s Chair - 4 prims (5 poses)
Fortune Teller´s Table - 5 prims (REZZOR)
Round Rug - 1 prim
Fur of an unintentified Animal - 1 prim
= 11 prims

plus prims IF rezzed:

Client´s Stool - 7 prims (2 poses)
Crystal - 4 prims
Tarot Cards - 1 prim
Books - 2 prims
White Candle - 3 prims
White Candle small - 3 prims
= 20 prims

Maximum prims = 31 all together

(when decorations are rezzed you can delete some items you don´t want or need to reduce your prims, next time they will rez again completely. OR don´t use the rezzor and grab these items out of the "Box of Extras")


3. Rezzor:

The Table includes a Rezzor.
The menu pops up when you rez that table OR by clicking it.

The Table will rezz:

Client´s Stool - 7 prims
Crystal - 4 prims
Tarot Cards - 1 prim
Books - 2 prims
White Candle - 3 prims
White Candle small - 3 prims
= 20 prims

There is no need to save the position. Just rez and in case you have closed the menu window, just click same button again for derez OR simply grab the rezzed prims and delete them. No worries, they are of course copy, you can rez them over and over.


4. If you have questions about the product please leave me an IM, I will help you. Check out my TGH shop on xstreet also in next weeks, I am working on my new collection for any kind of furnitures and decoration. ㋡

L$ 200

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Vendido por: Odine

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Mesh: Mesh parcial
Impacto no terreno: 11