The Benedict - Traditional Chair - Builder Kit Versão 1.2

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The Benedict is a unique, traditional style, high-backed chair. It is perfect for nearly any occasion and can be modified to create a number of exciting variations. Its straightforward and eye-catching design includes custom sculpt maps to help keep your level of detail high and your prim counts low.

It is provided here with all the required maps to create a high backed chair with or without arms as well as rockers for a rocking chair. It was designed to texture smoothly with repeating textures and with a minimum of whorls. A bonus wood texture has also been included with this package to help you quickly complete whatever project you might be working on, or to help you get your new chair quickly into your home!

All included sculpt maps are provided in a no-mod protected format and all textures are included with full permissions.

Do not resell this package but feel free to sell the builds you create using its contents.

(c) 2010 Zorch Voom

key words: chair, prefab, kit, zorch voom, high backed, custom sculpts, mjsm tech, Benedict, traditional, rocking chair, shadow maps, custom textures, sculpt maps, sculptys, mjsmtech


  • Custom sculpt maps included
  • Custom full perm baked textures and shadow maps included
  • Easily repurposable and adjustable
  • LOD resistant
  • Multipurpose


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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 02/05/2010 por Hevenz Vansant

I've had the honor of meeting this talented sculpty artist inworld and also had the chance to see his other works upclose in detail and let me tell you, his works will inspire your imagination and enhance your builds.

Everyone that I've met that is ordering custom work from him is always pleased with his results and this chair is just a small example of his talent.

Great maps and end product 5 stars plus.

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