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The Gray Lady Townhouse (113LI, 9.2x21.2)

The Gray Lady Townhouse (113LI, 9.2x21.2)
The Gray Lady Townhouse (113LI, 9.2x21.2)
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This townhouse design is narrow and small. It is Victorian inspired and has 2 bedrooms and double verandah.

This house has a separate living area while the dining and kitchen are combined.

This house is great for couples or singles who doesn't want too much space to decorate. Place this house in the city or near the beach. The colour makes it a perfect blend for both worlds.

This house is 113 land impact and 9.2x 21.2. It is copy, no mod, no transfer, partial mesh and unfurnished.

Please see the demo at my in-world store to be sure what you are buying.

L$ 200

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Simple Things & FOREVER SUMMER
Vendido por: Moon Falconer

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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