G Geral



-- English
-- Italiano


- The Tip Jar is a Very Easy to use Tool to let people to donate you money:

- Set your TIP JAR and put it in your lands.

________ Performances: ____________________

The Owner can:
- Set different partners in business, if any, with different percentage for everyone.
A partner earns a fixed percentage for each donation.
- Modify the skin of the TipJar.
- Setup the TipJar touching it and selecting one option from the menu (only Owner can see the menu).

People can donate by Pay method (Right Click and Pay).

The TipJar does also:
- Send instant messages to you for every donation, with info about when, who and how much they donated.
- Send e-mail (if required) to partners, with analogous info.

___________ How to set up: _________________

- Rezz your Tip Jar (check if your land requires group activation for scripts to work and set it).
- Write a Notecard, if you want to set any command.
- Click the Jar and select "ResetNote" (you must do this every time you change somenthing in the notecard).
- Wait for confirmation and the Tip Jar is On line.

__________ How to write the notecard ____________

- Open the notecard (name it as you prefer)
- Set it as follows:

- Put only one command per row.
- Avoid useless words or symbols, or spaces (it couldn't work if it becomes to hard to understand).
- Use double ## for comments in a separated row.
- Use UUID Key to identify Avatars (Partners). Use the llName2Key script to find the Keys, if you haven't them.
A UUID KEY is a property of each avatar, it looks like: 2da356fa-a771-fdd8-9579-dafb388102fa

- To set a Partner (one per row), put his Key, a comma, and a percentage, like 15%. Then, by another comma and a e-mail address, if required.
If the percentage is 0, it will be ignored.

Select "GetInfo" from the menu to send info message to partners.

- You can also let the jar to inform you via eMail, with the following row:
# myaddress, myaddress@gmail.com
use # and the word "myaddress".

- If you put any extra blanck space in a row, it is not a problem (but not between names and keys!!!).
- Blanck rows are not a problem.

- You can change the first row of the TipJar with the following row:
# My tipJar
and the result will be:
My tipJar
30L donated so far.

- You can also set the color of the Floating Text.

- Example (here the Keys are not real):

## This is a nice Comment!

## Setting Partners:
c68bbf4e-6bcf-f784-74ee-4ba4ff1057e3, 10%
8caa163b-1e3d-0a6e-b565-2b33a37fa9ba, 20%, mye-mail@site.com

## this will set the floating text color over the Stand, with orange color
# color <1.0, 0.5, 0.0>

## use only one #, don't put anything else in the row, don't put commas out of the < >
## use vector color = <red, green, blue>, not word as red
## red = <1, 0, 0>
## black = <0, 0, 0>
## white = <1, 1, 1>
# my TipJar

I developed other Tools, of the Master Tools Project.
Search in
Tools developed by me, Dixit Writer (use my name as keyword ^_^)
Phrase Rezer Multy Rows:
Postal Box



Questo è il file INFO della Tip Jar, uno dei miei Master's Scripts.
Grazie per aver scelto questo prodotto!

- La Tip Jar è uno strumento Molto Facile da usare che permette alle persone di donare dei Linden.

- Setta la tua TipJar e mettilo nelle tue land.

________ Prestazioni: ____________________

L'Owner può:
- Settare differenti partners in affari, se ce ne sono, con differente percentuale per ognuno.
Un partner prende una percentuale fissa per ogni donazione.
- Modificare la skin del Vendor.
- Settare la TipJar cliccandola e selezionando un'opzione dal menù (solo l'Owner potrà vederlo).

I donatori possono donare col metodo Pay (tasto destro mouse e Pay).

- La tipJar inoltre:
- Invia messaggi istantanei all'Owner per ogni donazione, con le info di quando, chi e quanto è stato donato.
- Invia e-mail (se richieste) ai partner, con info analoghe.

___________ Come settare: _________________

- Rezza la tua Jar(verifica se la land richiede il gruppo attivo per gli script e settalo).

- Scrivi una Notecard (nominala come preferisci).
- Clicca ll tipjar e seleziona "ResetNote" (devi fare questo ogni volta che cambi qualcosa nella notecard).
- Aspetta la conferma e la tipjar è On Line.

__________ Come scr

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