1. rigged mesh nails in one attachment (means you will attach the nails and they appear on both hands)
NOTE: for those who find it hard to fix the nail hider color and confused to ask me in im)
NOTE: it takes correct position since I tested it on different female shapes, but still it will move only with your hand, not fingers. This is only because of possibilities of sl avatar skeletone and nothing can be done with it guys, so plz do not leave bad review becasue of this =)
auto worn on left hand but you can attach anywhere it will still be on correct place
2. skin nail hider - you can edit this one to fit your skin tone. to do it, wera gloves, then go in edit avatar outfit mode and edit gloves. play with sliders of color and brightness to set tone.
If any questions appear please do not hesitate to contact Stari Adder
- right and left rigged mesh nails
- skin nail hider
These are fantastic!
I was really surprised with how great these nails were. Really nice textures and length, and they fit perfectly. =] Thank you so much for these great quality nails!
These are freaking fabulous!
Only a few months ago, no one had mesh nails, now I found adorable ones even for free! These fit my hands perfectly without any work (though I cheated and used a hider from an old set of nails... I mean, why reinvent the wheel?). I cannot get over how adorable the texture is! I'm totally going back to the store to get the full set!