~tc~ Gingerbread Builder Set - Walls A

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42 gingerbread wall textures
Partly seamless
1024 x 1024

Terms of Use
By purchasing this product, you agree to the following terms of use:

* Do not resell or give away these textures/sculpt maps, not even to your super bestest friend ever, thanks.

* "full perm" does not mean "party favor" so don't hand them out like one.

* I understand that some builders like to build on an alt or keep backups of their building supplies on an alt. You may share with yourself :P

* You may use these textures/sculpt maps on items you plan to sell. You may alter textures and use them on items you plan to sell.

* You may use these textures/sculpt maps on other grids but the same restrictions apply there as here. No reselling with or without alterations.

* You may not resell these textures/sculpt maps. You may not alter these textures and resell them as textures.

Thank you for your interest in my creations!

Anastasia Domenici

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Vendido por: Anastasia Domenici

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Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

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