tres beau x sooah boots - solid colors

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✨ The Sooah Boots are a versatile product compatible with Maitreya, Legacy, Kupra, and Reborn bodies. With your purchase, you will receive all available sizes to ensure the perfect fit.

There are two packs to choose from: the solid colors pack and the monogram colors pack. Each pack includes 30 vibrant colors for the leg warmers and 30 colors for the base of the shoes. Additionally, you will find two variations of textures for the base of the shoes—a shiny version and a less shiny version—catering to different preferences.

For added convenience, the Leg Warmers feature an option to hide and unhide, allowing you to wear the boots with pants and avoid any conflicts between meshes.

We highly recommend trying the demo before purchasing to ensure complete satisfaction.

✨ Compatible Body Sizes:

. Legacy
. Maitreya
. Kupra
. Reborn

✨ Included with your purchase:

. Boots - 30 colors (2 versions)
. Leg Warmers - 30 colors

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Vendido por: lory Grau
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