Joined: July 12, 2020- Profile
Bona Salto is a project we set up in 2020, due to our sheer love of SL horse-riding.
✯ Our first conception was to provide a realistic show-jumping system, instantly available from a rez box. So, we could invite our friends over and have fun with our horses. It was something that has, now, blossomed, into a business and we can, now, make it available to everyone; you only need land and horses. We make jumps, components, arenas, deco, courses, track guides, a tracking system and score boards. It is our plan to branch out into other aspects of SL equestrian sport equipment, as we
develop.✯ The jumps we make are traditional hunter style and the more elaborate Grand Prix style. They are fully configurable via menu in both height and spread, (depending on type). Each jump is packed in a rez box making it super easy to lay out in your chosen course. The poles are color variable, so you can choose a color theme.
✯ We cater for both: users who want to build their own jumps and courses and users that want to set up quick and easy and then simply enjoy using the system.
✯ We provide high quality components with low land impact and advanced features. For example, our configurable jumps and the easy to use, automated tracking system.
✯ One of the big challenges in setting up show jumping courses is to manage many components and their configuration. A jump typically consists of half a dozen or more parts including transparent sensors. With 10 or more jumps for a course you easily end up with a high number of components and a huge effort to configure all of them. We use rezzers that not only let you save, remove, and bring back your course anywhere, anytime with a few clicks, but can also automatically configure all the parts. With our smart course builder, you do not even need SL building skills but can simply use your creativity to set up courses in minutes, and the whole course is already packed in a rezzer for effortless use.
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