Machess Gadget Store
Vendido por: Machess Lemton
entrou: 18/07/2009

MACHESS STORE offers complete multi-scene building and management solutions for rental business, stores, builders, and performers. Feature products include ZEROPRIM TEMP REZZER, MULTI-SCENE REZZER, EZ-PACK REZZER, CROSS-SIM REZZER, MULITI-SCENE REZ STATION, MULTI-SCENE HOUSE CONTROLLER, Welcome mat, ZEROPRIM DISPLAY, ZEROPRIM Vendor, RENTAL PACKAGE, RENTAL CONTROLLER, LAND MANAGER, WHOLE-SIM RENTAL CONTROLLER, PRIM MACHINE, Pose adjusting script, and Realistic Swing Set.

Office Hours: Saturdays 6:30 - 9 AM SL time (PDT)


For timely customer service, please use in-world IM or the SL message feature on DO NOT WAIT until I am on-line and no notecard please. Your message will normally be answered within 3~4 hours, or within 24 hours at most. Simply indicate the name of the products. Yes, we do not need transaction number or purchase date to identify our customers.

Owners of copyable products may

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