This Store
e-brink Design Products and Builds
e-brink Design Products and Builds
Vendido por: ebrink Fugue
entrou: 05/05/2010

I am Digital Artist and Graphic Designer known as e-brink in RL. Visit my Sunset Beach Arts in SL, my Winter World and also my MAIN STORE in-world. I put a lot into SL and also try to make sure that all my products are viewable in-world for a better customer experience. Therefore, my land holdings are expensive and all the money I make here is ploughed back in, hopefully for the better development of Second Life. Please consider returning and rating my products.


Thank you very much for visiting my Store.

Please respect my product license. The Single User License applies to all items, textures, sculpt maps etc in the products. Licenses are granted to use products for your own pleasure within Second Life. By buying my products you are agreeing to the license. There is a returns policy on NO COPY item s and I have an EXCELLENT Customer Service Record.

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