This Store
Vendido por: Kathaarian Korhonen
entrou: 11/08/2007

✧ Bodyshop & Apparel
✧ Men & Woman
✧ Best Shapes to fit the best skins, MESH, Clothes for The Mesh Project,Slink Physique, Omega Appliers, Lolas Tango,Phat Azz, Brazilia,Ghetto... Kawaii & Sexy...

The trademark is in continuous growth and evolution.


All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges unless you have purchased a duplicate of the same item.

When buying as gifts, make sure you select "Send as gift" in your shopping cart an right name. Be careful, please, we cannot recognise Alt, no refund or exchange for distraction.

For any support please contact me in-world by notecard. (IMs get capped). Normally, I will respond within 24 hours

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