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PunkD! Clothes,Skins and Other Goodies
PunkD! Clothes,Skins and Other Goodies
Vendido por: PunkKitty Fitzgerald
entrou: 03/01/2007

Clothing and Skins For Women Geared towards the Punk,Gothic,Industrial and Steampunk Pin Up, Vintage and Geek Chic.. WIth Hints of Sci-Fi and Fantasy

Heavily influenced with Geek Chic, Pin Up and Darker Flavors

Oddity Collection of Gestures

Custom Themes for KittyKode Contest Boards

Custom Graphics -Logos, Signs

Original Art


For Clothing- Refunds on double purchases only

For Themes - No Refunds due to permissions

I do offer customer assistance in order to fix problems as need.

Notecards preferred. Please state Name and issue in Title of Card

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