A simple but amazingly effective way to add some details to your landscape. Add this to any reasonably flat ground and lower and/or resize it until you have the amount of rockiness you like.
The OPQ Rocky Field 01 is made from an old fashioned sculpt. Even today this is often the best solution for complex "natural" shapes like this. The only disadvantage is that the field is phantom so you can't walk on the rocks. Making a walkable uneven surface like this would require a rather complex and high land impact mesh so that's not really an option for something like this.
The field is 32x32 m by default and the box includes two copies, one textured with the light gray Rey's Stone 01A texture and one with with the "Rock - Heavy Moss" texture from the Library. But since they are modifiable, you can change it to any tileable rock texture you have simply by dragging and dropping the texture onto it. We've included a few public domain textures in the package to get you started. OPQ products are made to look great right out of the package but also to be modifiable so you can change them to your needs. At OPQ we love it when our customers use our builds as they are but we love it even more when they play with them and adapt them to their needs!
Technical data:
Default size: 32x32x3 m (can be scaled up to 64 m – or as small as you like)
Land Impact: 1
Faces: 1
Vertices: 1092
Triangles: 2048
Render Cost: 2546
VRAM: 1040 KB
All OPQ products are:
• Copyable
• Modifiable
• Made in Second Life for Second Life
• Made to look good with all standard graphics settings (and even better with higher graphics settings)
• Low LI
• LOD resistant
• Low lag
Do not adjust your viewer!
Well, you can if you want to but you don't have to.
OPQ meshes are made to look good with any standard graphics setting on any viewer and there is no need to lag your computer down with high RenderVolumeLODFactor. (And there's no need for ALM ("Advanced Lighting Mode") either but unlike the LOD factor which is only to compensate for poorly made mesh, ALM does improve the look of everything if your computer can handle it.)
Reviews and feedback
At OPQ we take pride in delivering the highest possible quality products for Second Life. Mistakes do happen though and if you feel what you bought doesn't fit the description or what you should expect, please contact ChinRey Resident or TessJL Resident and we will try our best to correct any mistakes we may have made.
If you don't receive anything at all, it's because of some error in the Marketplace software and out of our control. But it's easy to correct. Just give us the order no. and the date of purchase and we'll send you a copy of the package.
If you like what you bought, please leave a positive review! It only takes a minute and is highly appreciated! ^_^
1 LI Sculpt field of rocks - OPQ Rocky Field 01
