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1 LI dead tree - OPQ Nightmare Tree 01h

1 LI dead tree - OPQ Nightmare Tree 01h

+ 1 LI
+ Class BCD plant - suitable both as foreground and filler plant
+ LoD resistant
+ Very low lag
+ Copy/Modify
OPQ is on a mission to make Second Life a greener and lusher worlds... but sometimes...
A friend of a friend needed some dark dead trees for a horror scene and he couldn't find anything that fit his quality requirements. We are always happy to help our friends and their friends so we made the Nightmare 01 Trees Collection.
This tree from the collection is detailed enough to work in the foreground but with a land impact of only 1 and very low lag, you can still use lots of them without running uot of prims or lagging yuo palce down.
+ Important note about LoD +
LoD (Level of Detail) is all about how much details are kept when an item is seen from a little bit of distance. Many SL makers cheat by making meshes with very poor LoD. That's why you often see items in SL breaking down into ugly shapes or even disjointed triangles. Sometimes they tell you to "increase your LoD factor" to compensate for the poor quality of their builds. What they don't tell you, is that increasing the LoD factor also icnreases the lag significantly.
At OPQ we *never* cheat that way. Our meshes are made to look good even from far away. After all, what good is a lovely big landscape if you can't actually see it?
+ Texture and mesh by Chin Rey

See item in Second Life
  • Class B Plant
  • Class C Plant
  • Class D Plant