So, that's right this cute Pirate Ship Pet Bed is Only 1 Prim/1 Li as pictured. Even at MegaPuss Size it's still Only 1 Prim!!
Features a Color Change Menu for the Cushion & Flag (they change together) with 50 Colors to choose from or you can manually Edit it to your favorite color or even change the texture all together.
With Copy permissions you can rez out as many as you like and always have the original if you mess it up. With Modify permissions you can re-size to any size you want. MegaPuss Size example included (this is max size to stay at only 1 Li, any bigger and it will increase the Li value).
Don't like people touching your stuff? Also includes Owner Only version.
Visit Dekute Pet Depot in world to see it for yourself. Also find many more 1 Prim/1 Li Pet Beds.
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