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1 prim full perm "Low Lag Fern Field / Flower Meadow" sculpt map, any texture Version 1.1

1 prim full perm "Low Lag Fern Field / Flower Meadow" sculpt map, any texture

- precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
- LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
- fast rezzing as only 12 KB sculpt map;
- creating script to autocreate object with yours name as creator included;
- ANY regular texture compatible.

Thank you for attentive reading description and policies of using.

Package includes:
- 1 full perm* (copy/NO modify/transfer) sculpt map for creating;
- 2 (NO modify/copy/NO transfer) creators scripts, requires to create object seen on picture;
- read me and personal license.
* full perm because no modify on sculpt no how influence full permission of the object, no modify requires to prevent save on hard disk that is anyhow restricted by terms of this sculpt map using.

It is 1 prim sculpt field of flowers, grass anything you like even trees.
Since it first release passed many time (even years) and now I add in package 1 more script that uses the same sculpt but giving different density result. Best (amazing to my opinion) is 2 LI... version. This 2 LI.. version will cost you 2 prims from yours land, and it will behave like mesh in linking to other prims (so be careful with it, but it will always stays 2LI on any size even on 64 x 64 x 64 self). Other scripts create 1 prim cost as any other sculpt.

This field compatible with ANY regular plant texture, although I give no warranty any plant will suit yours visual taste. is only depends on plant texture.

How to:
- Create prim;
- Open inventory, drag and drop script on that newly created prim. Done.
This creates final correct textured object as I made it,

- Scripts not requires any more permissions then they come in, scripts done their work in 2 seconds and auto deletes from object, so cannot influence permission of object anyhow;
- It is sculpt prim, it smart build defended from being distorted on any distance, but due of SL lags sculpture map may not fully loaded, this is not depends on sculpt map. it is temporary issue of viewer or server. Any third party viewer have Reload function for current cases.

You allowed:
- To use sculpt map as part of yours creations only ;
- To sent sculpt maps to yours inventory keeping account to keep safe it there.

You not allowed;
- To sell, share, gift, transfer this sculpt maps as images, UUID, part of texture packs or list to any other person;
- To transfer through grids and use outside Secondlife.

Have fun with buildings.
NEKKA (Silk Aeon)

  • - precision shape, no flickering or broken angles;
  • - LOD compatible, no distortion at distance;
  • - fast rezzing as only 12 KB sculpt map;
  • - creating script to autocreate object with yours name as creator included;
  • - ANY regular texture compatible.
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wooow magic
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 10, 2015 by bladerunner69

wasn't exspecting such a wooow poof there it was very nice like it very much magic ferns ooo ^^

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